Resin Inlay Board or Sign
A perfect addition to any room in your house that can even be hung outside by your door to welcome guests.
I could also inlay your business name/logo or your favorite image. The board could then be used as a cutting board or charcuterie board.
Made from your favorite hardwood (such as walnut, maple, cherry, padauk or purpleheart) with any color resin to make the design pop.
Reach out today to discuss your custom board or sign design.
A perfect addition to any room in your house that can even be hung outside by your door to welcome guests.
I could also inlay your business name/logo or your favorite image. The board could then be used as a cutting board or charcuterie board.
Made from your favorite hardwood (such as walnut, maple, cherry, padauk or purpleheart) with any color resin to make the design pop.
Reach out today to discuss your custom board or sign design.
A perfect addition to any room in your house that can even be hung outside by your door to welcome guests.
I could also inlay your business name/logo or your favorite image. The board could then be used as a cutting board or charcuterie board.
Made from your favorite hardwood (such as walnut, maple, cherry, padauk or purpleheart) with any color resin to make the design pop.
Reach out today to discuss your custom board or sign design.